Vantage Announces Promotion of Lila Granda to Head of Political Risk and Credit

Vantage Group Holdings Ltd. today announced the promotion of Lila Granda as Head of Political Risk and Credit (PRC). Effective immediately, she will join the group’s Insurance leadership team and report to Alex Blanco, Insurance Chief Executive. As Head of PRC, Lila will assume leadership responsibilities for the respective team and oversee the group’s PRC portfolio, ensuring discipline, diversification, and consistent application of PRC underwriting strategy and risk appetite. She is also the senior risk manager of Political Risk and Credit.

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Vantage Announces Appointment of Kelly Bellitti as Chief Pricing and Portfolio Actuary and David Valzania as Chief Underwriting Officer

Vantage Group Holdings Ltd. (Vantage) strengthens its Insurance leadership team today, announcing the appointment of Kelly Bellitti as Chief Pricing and Portfolio Actuary and David Valzania as Chief Underwriting Officer, effective immediately. David joins Kelly on Vantage’s Insurance leadership team, and both will report to Alex Blanco, Insurance Chief Executive.

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Vantage Announces Appointment of Todd Link as Chief Financial Officer

Vantage Group Holdings Ltd. (Vantage) today announced the appointment of Todd Link as Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately. He will report to Greg Hendrick, CEO of Vantage Group Holdings and join the group’s leadership team. Todd will oversee all aspects of Vantage’s financial operations, including accounting, financial planning and analysis, and investments.

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Vantage Risk Introduces U.S. Primary Cyber Insurance

Vantage Group Holdings Ltd. (Vantage) today announced that it is underwriting U.S. primary cyber insurance through its U.S. insurance subsidiaries, offering up to $10 million in capacity. The new cyber coverage further accelerates the company’s sustained portfolio growth and extends its U.S. and Bermuda insurance capabilities for its brokers and clients.

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Celebrating Women’s History Month 2024

In re/insurance, gender equality has been a story of steady progress. For those of us in the industry, Women’s History Month is an opportunity to listen and commit to building further momentum. Kelly Bellitti shares her thoughts with us.

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Celebrating Black History Month 2024

Black men and women are underrepresented in commercial re/insurance. For those of us in the industry, Black History Month is an opportunity to listen and work toward change. Bernell Williams shares his thoughts with us.

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Don’t Count Out El Niño

As the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season wraps up, the prevailing narrative is that, in the battle of Atlantic sea surface temperate versus El Niño, the sea surface temperature won. Indeed, an article from summarizing the 2023 season was entitled “Atlantic Hurricane Season 2023: The El Niño That Didn’t Matter.” However, scratch the surface just a little and a different story emerges – El Niño mattered a great deal.

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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Elected officials, educators, artists, playwrights, professional athletes, and a Supreme Court Justice are a few of the examples of how the Hispanic and Latino American community* have made an indelible mark in the U.S. As a Cuban-American, I have seen first-hand, the contributions made by my Hispanic and Latina/o brethren. Being proud of one’s ethnicity is not the sole purview of a Hispanic or Latina/o person. Though we may occasionally over-indulge in our “orgullo” (pride) of the sounds and flavors of our heritage, that indulgence extends well beyond us: Latino food is the third most popular cuisine in the U.S.

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Vantage Risk Introduces U.S. Pollution and Professional Liability Insurance for Environmental Risks

Vantage Group Holdings Ltd. (Vantage) has extended its Contractors Pollution Liability (CPL) and professional liability offerings to Environmental Contractors and Consultants, expanding the company’s participation across the design and construction lifecycle. Vantage's pollution and professional liability policies for environmental risks complement the company’s expertise and strong portfolio of insurance products for the U.S. construction industry, including subcontractor default insurance, excess casualty and professional liability lines. Vantage designed its offerings to respond to environmental risks that can cause financial strain and pose significant hurdles to project completion. Vantage environmental coverages are written on a non-admitted basis nationwide and will be available as primary or excess coverage.

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Out in Insurance: Celebrating Pride Month

For me, becoming a proud gay man was hard won and coming out in my professional life was an equally arduous journey. Not so long ago, I wouldn’t have written this essay celebrating Pride Month and shared it publicly.

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Vantage Voices: Nicole Perrault, Head of Property Insurance (And Some More)

Adventure guides don’t often find their way into insurance. Vantage Risks’ Nicole Perrault did, and the re/insurance industry is better for it. She’s a rarity in a sector that tends to skew conservative-minded. And she’s all the more exceptional for being a mother of two and an avid outdoorswoman and having built a storied career across three insurance startups.

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Vantage Voices: Marina Grebenkova, Chief Data Officer

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, young Marina Grebenkova shed the notion that her future was fixed in place. She would no longer meet the expectations of a patriarchal culture. No longer would she be confined by the boundaries of State. No longer would her prospects be limited. The scales fell from her eyes. Marina’s horizons suddenly expanded to meet her own ambitions.

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Vantage Voices: Peta White, President of Vantage Risk Limited

Reinsurance is a family affair for Bermudian Peta White. Two of her siblings are also in the industry. On a quiet evening in 1993, Peta's mother picked up their home phone to find an MIT alum on the line. He found the family's number via the school and explained that he was hiring for a position at CAT Limited, a new insurer. Quick off the mark, Peta's mother said ..

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The Inevitable Megaflooding of California By Dr. Steve Smith

It begins like this: Years of drought drying out the soil, wildfires scarring forests, reservoirs lower than ever, and Californians convinced it will never rain again. An El Nino forms in the Pacific and as the cool season starts, it begins to rain a heavy, drenching rain. For two months, the rain barely stops.

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Lessons in Talent: Meet Pressure With Poise

Vantage launched in the second half of 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic raging and bringing its strong headwind of uncertainty. Remote working was a forced necessity. The timing proved auspicious and served to reinforce our vision. We embraced the circumstances as an opportunity to think and do things differently.

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Into the Multiverse By Dr. Steve Smith

Our own universe is just one among many different realities according to the Multiverse theory. The theory is having a moment in popular culture. The movie “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once” brings this quantum mechanics concept to life (with a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes at the time of writing).

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Cyber Resiliency and Risk Mitigation

Vantage cyber and information security experts weigh in on the impact of cyber resiliency and risk mitigation protocols on securing cyber insurance protection and minimizing business risks.

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